The clinicians at L & L LIFE ENRICHMENT SERVICES LLC have extensive training in a variety of evidence-based psychotherapies. We continuously strive to enhance our skills by engaging in ongoing trainings and supervision. As such, we are continuously expanding our service catalog to better cater to the needs of the people we serve. We pride ourselves on service excellence. We offer a wide range of clinical services that are founded in evidenced based principles and adaptable to your unique situation.
Comprehensive Clinical /Diagnostic Assessment
The Comprehensive / Diagnostic Assessment is an ongoing and a critical component of the treatment process that allows us to better understand you. We use a biopsychosocial approach that considers your values, dreams, past and present, cultural and spiritual beliefs and more importantly your strengths and your personal goals. We believe that Successful and accurate diagnosis yields longstanding treatment rewards, which is why, identifying and diagnosing the problems that are a source of distress to you are a priority to us. Our licensed clinicians are trained and skilled in assessing and diagnosing mental health disorders, life problems and their underlying causes.

Therapy is offered in the following modalities:
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Couples Therapy
- Family Therapy
We combine innovative, non-conventional strategies with evidence-based practices to maximize the overall effectiveness of our treatments.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is tailored to your specific needs and provides a safe space and confidential environment that fosters self-discovery, enhances life skills, redefine priorities and fosters the resolution of unsettled life issues, promotes self-actualization and ultimately the attainment of personal goals that leads to a more satisfying and enriched life.
These are some of the services we offer for individual therapy:
Addressing Mental and Emotional Health Problems:
- Depression/Bipolar Disorder
- Anxiety Disorder
- Grief/Trauma
- Personality Disorders
Improving school/home behaviors and performance:
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Learning Disability
Stress Management:
- Work/Life Management
- Life Transitions
- Adjustment Problems
Relationship Problems:
- Parent-Child Relationship Problems
- Intimate Partner
- Attachment Issues
Group Therapy
Group therapy involves several individuals working together on issues that they share. A therapist leads the session, facilitating the sharing of stories by the individuals involved. A group can range in size and format, with some groups being open-ended/support based, and others following a structured curriculum. The therapist’s role includes ensuring that the conversation is constructive, make sure that everyone feels safe and encourages everyone to share, though sharing is not a requirement and ensure that all participants respect group rules.
Family Therapy
The family is the central unit of our society, it is the nucleus on which our individual value systems are built and human lives develop. Dysfunction in the family unit can often lead to disrupted and at its worst, destroyed lives. More and more the demands of life gets in the way and undermine the principles of this important system, its structure and functioning.
We aim to reestablish effective communication lines by teaching our families healthy and effective communication strategies; enhance intra-familial relationships by teaching our families the principles of mutual respect and to operate in the power of Love; Promote and develop stronger structures by teaching individualization and boundary setting, and foster family resilience by teaching family problem solving strategies. When families succeed, individuals stand a much better chance of navigating the many challenges life continuously throw at them. Integrating family therapy into our treatment regimens helps to alleviate stress and mitigate conflict with regard for the individuality of each family member.
Co-Occurring Disorder Services
At L & L our mental health professionals are trained to address mental health and substance use issues. Individuals who have a mental health disorder, as well as substance use disorder at the same time, are diagnosed as having co-occurring disorders. We believe that treatment success is highly dependent on our ability to meet our clients where they are at and treat both issues simultaneously. We incorporate evidenced based substance use treatments including, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use, the Trans-Theoretical Model of Change and Motivational Interviewing to enhance treatment with the people we serve.